Concrete Polishing

Polished concrete is the least expensive floor treatment available, initially and long term. Polished floors also reduce energy and maintenance costs significantly through reflectivity and ambient lighting, reduction in upkeep (such as waxing), and reduced tire wear.

Concrete Polishing is:

  • A mechanical grinding & polishing process that utilizes industrial diamonds, chemical hardeners and impregnating sealers to level, densify, polish & finally seal the floor creating a beautiful granite-like surface.
  • The most innovative and economical flooring options available today, and its popularity is leading the flooring market for warehouses, factories, and retail facilities across the nation. From showrooms to industrial plants, government buildings to retail facilities, dry-polished concrete has become the fastest growing process to ever hit the flooring industry.
  • One of the only products or services that actually saves you money to be environmentally responsible! And it’s by far the most economical floor treatment.

Concrete Polishing is Cost Effective

Polished concrete is the least expensive floor treatment available, initially and long term. Polished floors also reduce energy and maintenance costs significantly through reflectivity and ambient lighting, reduction in upkeep (such as waxing), and reduced tire wear.

Concrete Polishing Eliminates Dusting from Efflorescence

In ordinary unpolished concrete, tiny particles of dust can be pushed to the surface through an upward force called hydrostatic pressure, resulting in efflorescence. Efflorescence leads to dusting, which is messy and forces epoxies and other sealers off concrete floors, and can make maintenance a costly priority.

Concrete Polishing is Stain Resistant

Polished concrete transforms a porous concrete floor into a tightened floor that is dense enough to repel water, oil, and other contaminants, preventing them from penetrating the surface.

Concrete Polishing is Less Maintenance

While most floor systems require aggressive scrubbing to maintain a clean environment and nice appearance, polished concrete surfaces are tightly compacted, reducing stains, and do not require any waxing or stripping to maintain the sheen. Just a light dusting is all that is usually required.

Concrete Polishing is LEEDs Friendly

Concrete Polishing not only utilizes existing concrete surfaces, eliminating additional materials such as coverings/coatings and moving towards sustainable building, it typically contains no noticeable VOC’s, making it friendly for any USBG LEEDS project.

No Production/Plant Shutdowns

Dry-Mechanically polished concrete can be put into service immediately after the process is complete. Due to the cleanliness of the process and the lack of toxic or hazardous chemicals, floors can often be serviced while the facility is in full operation.

Concrete Polishing Improves the Conditions of Old Floors

As concrete ages, surface stress, delamination, curled cold joints, and other problems can arise. Mechanically grinding the floor will remove the top surface of the old concrete, densifying it and then polishing will then strengthen it, increasing its impact and abrasion resistance.

Concrete Polishing Reduces Tire Wear

The rough, uneven texture of natural concrete causes tires to abrade, adding to their wear. A polished concrete floor system will level the joints and make the entire surface smooth, preventing this abrasion.

If your looking for a professional concrete polishing company, feel free to contact us for a FREE estimate.

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About Us

Custom Concrete Solutions services both commercial and residential customers in the greater Connecticut, Massachusetts and Rhode Island areas.